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Taking the Plunge: Implementing EOS®/Traction

Written by Michele Krolczyk | Sep 7, 2018 8:59:13 PM

Part 3 of a 3-part EOS®/Traction series

Let’s say you’ve read the book Traction by Gino Wickman (or you’ve heard so much about it that you feel like you’ve read the book) and you are ready to take the plunge. The next inevitable question is, how do you implement EOS®  (Entrepreneurial Operating System)? Where do you start?


EOS® Worldwide prides itself on providing an open-source platform that includes free downloadable tools, blog posts and a video library for those business owners or organizations that choose to self-implement.  

Since entrepreneurs tend to be bootstrappers by nature, this initially sounds very appealing.
“Hell, yeah, I can do this!” I was one of those, so I get it. Even though the book provides clear instructions, there’s lots of room for interpretation. EOS® is a lot to learn while you’re also running your business, so it’s not uncommon to get really frustrated. There can be a lot of trial and error, so it can also feel slow and drawn out.

Guided Implementation

EOS® has a huge following in the Twin Cities, and there is a growing number of EOS® implementers trained on guiding leadership teams through the process.

A typical implementation starts with a 90-minute meeting, followed by three all-day sessions with an organization’s leadership team. At each session, a new set of concepts and tools are introduced, and then the team has 30 days in between sessions to start using and implementing them. It is not uncommon for teams to take up to a year or more to fully implement the system in their organization. 

EOS® implementers are not consultants. They are coaches who should be skilled at facilitating teams and extracting the wisdom in the room. Nor are they there to create dependency. A good coach teaches teams mastery of the system so that they can stand on their own and drive their businesses forward. 

Three things to know when choosing an implementer:

  1. All coaches are taught from the exact same playbook, regardless of titles or designations 

  2. Some have only been taught the system, and others have experience using the system, often in a previous business (a real plus)

  3. It should come down to finding a good fit. Just ask pays not to settle.

Interested in learning more about life inside an EOS®-run company? Join us September 13th for a presentation and Q&A session with Michele! RSVP here!