We're unpacking everything you need to know about the new COVID-19 Homeowner Assistance Fund that went live on May 17th.
What is HomeHelpMN?
HomeHelpMN is a federally funded program dedicated to assisting Minnesota homeowners who are at risk of default, foreclosure, or displacement due to financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is meant to provide financial assistance to bring past-due mortgage payments and other housing-related expenses current, and provide information about accessing services to navigate foreclosure (i.e. HUD- certified Housing Counseling and legal services).
Eligible homeowners can receive a maximum of $35,000 per household. This financial assistance does not need to be paid back and will be excluded from the homeowners' gross income. There may be tax consequences however, so you should consult with a tax expert and review IRS Rev. Pro. 2021-47.
What it Covers
HomeHelpMn provides financial assistance for:
- Mortgage Payments
- Contract for Deed Payments
- Manufactured Housing Loan
- Property Taxes
- Property Insurance
- Homeowner or Condo Association Fees
- Manufactured Home Lot Rent
What it Does Not Cover
- Utility costs — gas, electric, and water; however, you may be eligible for Minnesota's Energy Assistance Program
- Upcoming expenses
Who is Eligible?
In order to be eligible for HomeHelpMN assistance you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Minnesota homeowner with the property as your primary residence.
- Your household income is below income limits listed HERE (varies by county and household members).
- Have experienced a "qualified financial hardship" after January 21, 2020. HomeHelpMN defines a qualified financial hardship as either a reduction of income or an increase in living expenses (i.e. medical bills, increase in household size etc.) due to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Have past-due mortgage or other housing-related expenses that became past due on or after January 21, 2020.
What Property Types are Eligible?
You must own the property and it must be your primary residence located in Minnesota. Eligible property types include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums, duplexes, cooperatives, and mobile or manufactured housing. If you own more than one property, you can only apply for your main residence. Ineligible property types include business ownerships (LLC, LLP, LP, etc.), rent-to-own, and any others where ownership is not clearly documented.
When to Apply?
Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on June 17th, 2022.
Funds for the program are limited and the need is expected to be high. If applications exceed available funding, funds may be fully allocated before the application period ends. So, Minnesota homeowners should submit their applications as soon as possible. A submitted application is also not a guarantee of funding availability.
p.s. There is no cost to apply.
Next Steps
Step 1: Get your documents ready.
The documents needed for your HomeHelpMN application include:
- Income Documentation (i.e. most recent paystubs, W2s, tax returns, etc.)
- Proof of Ownership (only one required):
- Property tax statement
- Recorded warranty deed
- Recorded contract for deed
- Certificate of Title
- Photo I.D.
- Documentation of past-due housing expense you are seeking financial assistance for. Copy of:
- Mortgage payment: Provide a recent mortgage statement.
- Manufactured/mobile home payment: Provide recent loan statement.
- Manufactured/mobile home lot rent: Provide past-due notice.
- Co-op, condo or homeowners association fees/charges: Provide recent statement from co-op or condo association.
- Property taxes: Provide recent statement from county or municipality.
- Homeowners insurance: Provide recent statement from homeowner’s insurance company.
- Contract for Deed: Provide recent statement AND copy of recorded Contract for Deed documents
Step 2: Create your account and submit your application.
Apply online at HomeHelpMN.org or by calling the Call Center and providing information over the phone at 800-388-3226.
Step 3: HomeHelpMN reps communicate with your servicer or third party payee.
Step 4: Application is processed.
You may see different application statuses as it is being processed. The most common are:
- Application in Progress: You have started an application, but it has not been submitted.
- Application Submitted: You have completed all required fields and submitted the application for review.
- In Process: The processing team is working on your application. This may include verifying documents and payment amounts, communicating with your mortgage servicer, evaluating eligibility, or other evaluation steps.
- Applicant Action Needed: Additional information or documentation is needed from you to proceed with evaluating your application.
- Third Party Action Needed: HomeHelpMN is awaiting a response from the mortgage servicer or another debt holder.
Step 5: Payment made to servicer or third party payee.
The financial assistance is disbursed directly to the lienholder and/or third-party payee and the party who is owed must agree to accept the assistance.
The amount of funding available will likely not meet the anticipated needs of Minnesota homeowners. So talk with one of our lenders today about your payment options and check out HomeHelpMN's Frequently Asked Questions' page.